Saturday, January 10, 2009

Technological Background

Well...lets see...I don't know how much technology experience I have. I really love technology though. I have used computers a lot and I even took a web design class while I was in high school (although that was a few years ago.) I have always had the neatest little gadgets, like MP3 Players and Mini-disc players and I just got a BlackBerry for Christmas! The hardest part now is that I can't live without the thing! Oh well. I love playing with electronics. I served in the Mission Office in Fiji for a while and had a lot of exposure to technology there. I helped the senior mission couple with their computers and things like that. Thats about the extent of my experience.


  1. Hey Matt, I love that you added a picture of a BlackBerry...nice addition...I guess you really can't part from it!

  2. Matt - Sounds like you have quite a bit of experience. You should be a good support for your group. There are also lots of things that people with a lot of experience can learn in this class - you have to be a seeker though. If there are assignments that you don't think will stretch you, let me know and we can work out an alternative that will help you grow.

  3. I'm excited to have an expert in our group!

  4. I got a blackberry too! yay for blackberrys, and yes they are very addictive:)
