Tuesday, February 24, 2009

TPAK for Tour

  • What is the content you’ll be using in your lesson?
The content for this lesson is focused towards the U.S. History II class. Standard 7, Objective 2 which says, "Examine the impact World War II had on the American home front." Although we will be visiting various locations in the tour and having class discussions that do not always focus on the American home front, I believe that this enrichment activity to be important because it allows for higher levels of thinking as they take past events and apply them to more recent events. It also gives them an idea of what went on and where during WW 2.
  • What is the pedagogy you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content?
The students will be observing the locations and participate in group work (as they discuss the presented questions with a classmate) as well as participate in class discussions. I think that class discussions are important especially in an enrichment activity such as this one because it allows the students to express their thoughts about a specific topic (and this is assuming that I have created a safe environment for my students, of course.) Ideally I would have a number of computers for students to work in small groups so they are able to look and think about the questions, however, worst case scenario would have the entire class looking together on the projector while I manipulated it all from my personal computer.
  • What is the technology you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?
I will be using Google Earth. Contained within Google Earth I will use the panoramio took in order to look at photos of the various sites. This is a good fit because the Earth portion will show the general location on the world of the places that we will be looking at. Then, it goes in close up so we will be able to look at the geographic area and actually view real pictures of the locations.

Locations for Google Earth Tour

Please note that this lesson is designed as an enrichment activity to go hand in hand with the text book.

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1. Pearl Harbor, HI
View the site where Japan attacked
As a class discuss the following: Why did Japan decide to attack here? How did this affect the US? What was the response from the US after the bombing?
2. Betio, Tarawa, Kiribati
View a remaining cannon on the shore at Betio from WWII
Discuss with a classmate: Why do we rarely hear about the battles that took place at this location?
3. Hiroshima, Japan
View the memorial for the people where the A-Bomb was dropped
**With GREAT SENSITIVITY** - View the memorial with a number of names of people who had died in the bombing - ask students to make a more recent connection.
4. Nagasaki, Japan
View the memorial for the people where the A-Bomb was dropped
(See activity for Number 3. Number 3 and 4 go together.)
Details of image overlay / path / polygon:A path could be created from Japan to Tarawa and then another one from Tarawa to Hawaii

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Book Trailer

A little bit of difficulty using TeacherTube...rather than use YouTube where ALL could see this, I have just embedded it into the blog itself.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

TPAK for Storytelling

Content: The content used for the storyboard comes from Grade 3 Standard 1 Objective 2-Develop language through viewing media and presenting.

Pedagogy: The students will create a book trailer for the book Cinder Edna by Ellen Jackson. This trailer will have to use the element of suspense as it is presented to the audience so that the audience will want to learn more about the book. It would be likely that the class would take a look at several movie trailers and discuss the elements of the trailer - specifically that the trailer does not give everything away, but does highlight some interesting points in the story and then leaves it at the end so people are wanting to know more.

Technology: Photo Story 3 for Windows. This program will allow the elementary students to create the trailer with narration. It would be fun to hear how the students use inflection when reading to mimic that of the current voice that is used during movie trailers. Or perhaps the students will have a different idea altogether of how the voice should sound. A projector will also be employed as students will share the book trailers created with each other.

My Storyboard

The storyboard has drawn on pictures, but digital pictures from the actual book will be used to go with the narration.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

TPACK for The Tech Savvy Teacher


From the Utah K 1,2 Core Standard 5, part f. After this activity the student should know how to observe, sort and classify objects (in this case, candy!)

  • Observing
  • Classifying, inferring, predicting, measuring
  • Acquiring and processing data (constructing table of data)
  • Analyzing data
This activity involves observing as the students take the candy out of the packages and looks at what is presented. It involves classifying because as a class we will look at color as the characteristic that we will be grouping by. A predicting game may be used to see what colors the students think will have the most units of candy. The students will then actually measure (count) how many are in each group. The students will then have the opportunity to create a table of data displaying the number found in each group - perhaps two tables - one for each candy type. The students will then be able to analyze the numbers they had collected and post the findings on the classroom blog.


The students will have the use of a digital camera (I'm thinking that the activity could be done as a class with several students involved in each step) That way, pictures will contain many members of the class and students will be more inclined to have parents look at the class blog. The students will also use the class computer in order to load all of this on the class blog. Powerpoint may also be employed in assisting the students display the table(s) of data on the projector.

The Tech Savvy Teacher

Our science experiment is based on the K,1,2 Core Intended Learning Outcome 5. which states
that students will understand and apply basic skills. In this activity we will be focusing on f. It
states that students will observe, sort and classify objects. In our activity, we have two packages of Starbursts and one package of Skittles. The packages will be opened and placed all over the table.

Once all of the candy was out on the table, it became the job of the students to sort all of the different candies into different piles with color being the quality that was used to sort all of the candy.

Once the candy was sorted, we counted the amount of pieces in each of the piles. We then made a chart and/or graph of the different colors and the number of times that they appeared in the package. It is interesting to note that in Starburst candies, there are exactly three of each of the four colors. In Skittles, it seems to be more of a random process.

Working with my class I would use the digital camera with my students. Students would be allowed to use the digital camera to document what they have done in the experiment, just as I have done. I would then have several students create posts on the class blog including the pictures of the experiment (just as I have done here.) This will give my students the opportunity to do something practical that they can do for themselves with a personal blog. I would help them understand what a blog is and get them excited about putting it on the internet. This would hopefully encourage students to help their parents visit the blog at home. This would in turn help parents see what is going on in the class and would allow myself (as the teacher) to post important announcements on the blog that the parents would see.

The candy pre-sorted

All Candy Sorted

Starbursts Sorted

Skittles Sorted!