Tuesday, February 3, 2009

TPACK for The Tech Savvy Teacher


From the Utah K 1,2 Core Standard 5, part f. After this activity the student should know how to observe, sort and classify objects (in this case, candy!)

  • Observing
  • Classifying, inferring, predicting, measuring
  • Acquiring and processing data (constructing table of data)
  • Analyzing data
This activity involves observing as the students take the candy out of the packages and looks at what is presented. It involves classifying because as a class we will look at color as the characteristic that we will be grouping by. A predicting game may be used to see what colors the students think will have the most units of candy. The students will then actually measure (count) how many are in each group. The students will then have the opportunity to create a table of data displaying the number found in each group - perhaps two tables - one for each candy type. The students will then be able to analyze the numbers they had collected and post the findings on the classroom blog.


The students will have the use of a digital camera (I'm thinking that the activity could be done as a class with several students involved in each step) That way, pictures will contain many members of the class and students will be more inclined to have parents look at the class blog. The students will also use the class computer in order to load all of this on the class blog. Powerpoint may also be employed in assisting the students display the table(s) of data on the projector.


  1. Great job on this articulation - this is exactly the kind of detail I am looking for.

  2. Wow Matt! Great job and very detailed! It sounds like a great project!
