Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Locations for Google Earth Tour

Please note that this lesson is designed as an enrichment activity to go hand in hand with the text book.

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1. Pearl Harbor, HI
View the site where Japan attacked
As a class discuss the following: Why did Japan decide to attack here? How did this affect the US? What was the response from the US after the bombing?
2. Betio, Tarawa, Kiribati
View a remaining cannon on the shore at Betio from WWII
Discuss with a classmate: Why do we rarely hear about the battles that took place at this location?
3. Hiroshima, Japan
View the memorial for the people where the A-Bomb was dropped
**With GREAT SENSITIVITY** - View the memorial with a number of names of people who had died in the bombing - ask students to make a more recent connection.
4. Nagasaki, Japan
View the memorial for the people where the A-Bomb was dropped
(See activity for Number 3. Number 3 and 4 go together.)
Details of image overlay / path / polygon:A path could be created from Japan to Tarawa and then another one from Tarawa to Hawaii

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