Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Tech Savvy Teacher

Our science experiment is based on the K,1,2 Core Intended Learning Outcome 5. which states
that students will understand and apply basic skills. In this activity we will be focusing on f. It
states that students will observe, sort and classify objects. In our activity, we have two packages of Starbursts and one package of Skittles. The packages will be opened and placed all over the table.

Once all of the candy was out on the table, it became the job of the students to sort all of the different candies into different piles with color being the quality that was used to sort all of the candy.

Once the candy was sorted, we counted the amount of pieces in each of the piles. We then made a chart and/or graph of the different colors and the number of times that they appeared in the package. It is interesting to note that in Starburst candies, there are exactly three of each of the four colors. In Skittles, it seems to be more of a random process.

Working with my class I would use the digital camera with my students. Students would be allowed to use the digital camera to document what they have done in the experiment, just as I have done. I would then have several students create posts on the class blog including the pictures of the experiment (just as I have done here.) This will give my students the opportunity to do something practical that they can do for themselves with a personal blog. I would help them understand what a blog is and get them excited about putting it on the internet. This would hopefully encourage students to help their parents visit the blog at home. This would in turn help parents see what is going on in the class and would allow myself (as the teacher) to post important announcements on the blog that the parents would see.

The candy pre-sorted

All Candy Sorted

Starbursts Sorted

Skittles Sorted!


  1. An even better extension would be to use digital technologies to help them begin to create charts and graphs to represent the data in their little experiment.

  2. I love that you used candy...and digital cameras. Kids love that stuff so that would be a great hook!
